URL ( is a string of alphanumeric characters that represents that represents the location or address of a resource on the internet and how that resource should be accessed.)
Uniform resource Locators (URLs) define uniquely where documents (resource) can be found on the internet. Other related terms that may be encountered are URLs And URNs. Uniform Resource Identifiers (URLs) are the generic set of all names/addresses that refer to internet resources. Uniform Resource Names (URNs) also designate a resource on the internet, but do so using a persistent, location-independent name. URNs are very general and rely on name lookup services and are therefore dependent on additional services that are not always generally available. URls on the other hand, identify a resource on the internet using a scheme based on the resource’s location. URLs are the most commonly used identification scheme and are basis for HTTP and the web.
The syntax of a URL is quite simple and consists of three basic parts: the protocol used for the connection, the host name, and the part name on the host where the resource can be found. In additional, the URL can optionally specify the port through which the connection to the host should be made (default 80 for HTTP), and a query string, which is one of the primary methods for passing data from the client to the server (for example, to a CGI script). The syntax of URL is a follows:
://[:]/absolute_path [? Arguments]
The specifies the mechanism to be used by the browser to communicate with the resource. Common access methods are HTTP, S-HTTP (secure HTTP), file (load file from a local disk), FTP, mailto (send mail to specified mail address), Gopher, NNTP, and Telnet, for example :
is a URL that identifies the general home page for HTML information at Systembisnis. The protocol is HTTP, the host is www.systembisnis.com, and the virtual path of the HTML file is /?id=fianulfi.
Uniform resource Locators (URLs) define uniquely where documents (resource) can be found on the internet. Other related terms that may be encountered are URLs And URNs. Uniform Resource Identifiers (URLs) are the generic set of all names/addresses that refer to internet resources. Uniform Resource Names (URNs) also designate a resource on the internet, but do so using a persistent, location-independent name. URNs are very general and rely on name lookup services and are therefore dependent on additional services that are not always generally available. URls on the other hand, identify a resource on the internet using a scheme based on the resource’s location. URLs are the most commonly used identification scheme and are basis for HTTP and the web.
The syntax of a URL is quite simple and consists of three basic parts: the protocol used for the connection, the host name, and the part name on the host where the resource can be found. In additional, the URL can optionally specify the port through which the connection to the host should be made (default 80 for HTTP), and a query string, which is one of the primary methods for passing data from the client to the server (for example, to a CGI script). The syntax of URL is a follows:
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