Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Build a Web GIS 1

GIS Technology (Georaphic Information System) has been growing rapidly. We have already known the terms Desktop GIS, WebGIS, and Spatial Database which is a form of development of Geographic Information System technology, to accommodate the needs of the solution to many problems which can only be answered by this GIS technology.

While there are several technologies that can be used to build WebGIS system. One of the most popular is the MapServer, which uses the concept of Open Source. As for Spatial Database technology choice, PostgreSQL is an open source database option is the most popular, with the support of spatial extension called PostGIS.

However, an understanding of how to develop WebGIS with Mapserver and PostGIS not much understood by the developers of information technology. Therefore, this time we will try to do research on how to develop a simple WebGIS applications with MapServer - PostGIS, what result will we publish on the Internet. With hopes tutorials and sample applications that we develop WebGIS will be useful as a fellow for information technology developers can more easily control how to build systems with MapServer WebGIS - PostGIS.

MS4W (MapServer for Windows) is the MapServer installation bundle for the Windows platform. Where MapServer ( is a freeware applications and open source to be able to show Geographic Information System on the web.

MS4W equipped with a variety of additional modules (optional) which makes our administrated build and WebGIS system. Among others: MapLab, KaMap, Chameleon, and others. Used to facilitate MapLab we create MapServer configuration files (*. map) on WebGIS applications we develop. Medium Chameleon is a framework that provides a variety of classes and methods which enable us to build interfaces WebGIS applications we develop, such as adding features zoom, pan, etc.. Information about MS4W, MapLab and Chameleon can be found on the site

Currently, in addition to access MapServer as a CGI program, we can access the MapScript MapServer as a module, through a variety of programming languages, like PHP, Perl, Python, Java and so forth. Access MapServer functions via scripts will make it easier WebGIS application development.

PostgreSQL is Open Source database that is quite popular, because the toughness and ability to manage the data. PostgreSQL has a PostGIS extension, which offers the ability to manage spatial data for Geographic Information System applications. Information about PostgreSQL can be found on the site Was information to be obtained from PostGIS site.


MS4W can be downloaded at In it are united Apache Web server applications, PHP, Map Server and the various libraries required to build a WebGIS system. There are two versions can be downloaded MS4W, version 1.x and 2.x versions. However if we want to use the Chameleon framework, better select MS4W version 1.x (which is used today is version 1.6) because the Chameleon has not supported perfectly MS4W package PHP5 on 2.x versions.
After you successfully download, then extract the contents into the root of the disk partition (eg C: / or D: /), so that the entire contents of the package MS4W located at C: / ms4w or D: / ms4w. Then execute apache-install.bat to install the Apache service. If the service is running, it will show httpd.exe process in Windows Task Manager window. Check by opening http://localhost in your web browser. If the front page MS4W appear, then your installation successfully.

PHP MapScript
To activate the PHP module / Mapscript, we must make some changes in php.ini konfiurasi located in D: \ ms4w \ Apache \ cgi-bin \ php.ini. remove the character ";" on "; php_mapscript_4.10.0.dll extension =". Then restart Apache by executing the apache-restart.bat.

To check the installation Mapscript, create a file folder msinfo.php D: \ ms4w \ Apache \ htdocs which contains: "", Then open a web browser http://localhost/msinfo.php . When the report came from mapserver version, then MapScript has gone well.

MapLab and Chameleon
Download package for MapLab and Chameleon MS4W on the website. Then put the contents of and on http.d directory, apps, and apache / htdocs on your ms4w director. Restart Apache, and consider whether to have seen the link http://localhost url MapLab Chameleon 2.2.1 and 2.4. If true, then install Chameleon on MapLab and MS4W successfully. Maplab so could work out perfectly, required JRE (Java Runtime Environment) installed on your computer.

to be continued to build a Web GIS 2

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